Could Crackdown 3 Actually Be Good?

The development of Sumo Digital’s Crackdown 3 has been widely reported on over the past 4 years. After enduring multiple delays and developmental problems, the game is finally being released in less than a month. Games that endure multiple delays usually don’t have a good track records of being well-recieved by fans and critics.

But could Crackdown 3 be the exception to this? A recent report from Games Radar suggests it might actually be.

About a week ago, the people over at Games Radar published an article detailing their hands on impressions of Crackdown 3’s multiplayer mode Wrecking Zone.

For those who don’t know, Wrecking Zone is a multiplayer mode in Crackdown 3 where teams of 5 vs 5 pit up against each other and try to kill one another, collecting the dog tags from players that are killed. It sounds like your typical run-of-the-mill team deathmatch mode aside from one small detail, the map that players are placed on is entirely destructible. Agents will have to learn to avoid falling debris from skyscrapers and maneuvering their way around the map, all while trying to avoid enemy players.

Much of this is made possible through Microsoft’s Azure Cloud, which is able to compute this mass destruction that can occur in every match. The technology sophistication of the cloud and the difficulties Microsoft has had trying to get it to work properly is part of the reason that Crackdown 3 endured so many delays.

But now with the game coming out on February 15th, it sounds like the Azure cloud systems are finally ready to show their true strength to the world and make Crackdown 3 a different multiplayer experience than any game before it. Games Radar describes how the variety of ways in which you can kill enemy players “makes some fairly interesting, if not totally awesome, gameplay scenarios and opportunities that – to put it simply – no other multiplayer game on the market can accurately capture or reproduce.

As Crackdown 3 draws closer and closer to its release date, it will certainly be interesting to see more hands on impressions of the game start to surface and if the game truly will be a smashing good time (pun intended).

Crackdown 3 will be available on February 15th starting $59.99 or if you subscribe to Game Pass, you’ll be able to download it the same day it releases.

Subscribe to Bring Your Own Games for more information on Crackdown 3 as well as our review of it once it comes out.

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