Weekly Rewind 6/2 – 6/8/19

It's been somewhat of a quiet week as a lot of developers have been saving their announcements for E3. Nonetheless though, there has been a fair amount of gaming news this week, particularly in the form of leaks of announcements that have been saved for E3 this year. Here are some things you might have... Continue Reading →

Weekly Rewind: 4/28 – 5/4/19

With E3 being almost a month away, more news is being kept quiet in an effort to be revealed on the gaming industy's biggest event of the year. Thankfully though, we got a good bit of news this week. Let's dive in. Sea of Thieves Anniversary Update was released On Tuesday, the highly anticipated Anniversary... Continue Reading →

Weekly Rewind: 4/14 – 4/20/19

This has been a fairly eventful week in the gaming industry as Xbox held their Inside Xbox episode on Tuesday and on the same day, Sony revealed the specs for their next console. While those were some of the bigger headlines in the news, here are some of the other headlines you might have missed... Continue Reading →

Weekly Rewind: 3/31 – 4/6/19

It's been another slow week in the gaming industry, but that doesn't mean it's come without any news. Here's some of the news you might have missed this week. Xbox rumored to revealing new subscription called Game Pass Ultimate We start with some of the most recent news of this week as yesterday notable Microsoft... Continue Reading →

ID@Xbox Game Pass impressions

Microsoft unveiled their new showcase series ID@Xbox Game Pass today. The showcase is heavily inspired by the Nintendo Direct streams that showcase independent game titles, nicknamed the "Nindies." Similar to the "Nindies," ID@Xbox Game Pass looks to showcase upcoming independent games that are coming to Xbox Game Pass on the same day they launch. The... Continue Reading →

State of Play Reactions March 25.

Sony: Can I Copy your homework? Nintendo: Yeah sure but make sure it doesn't look too similar. Sony has finally entered the "Direct" method of giving news. Providing a small showcase of games coming mostly this year to the system. And the overall product was, a bit rushed? Coming in at about 20 minutes long... Continue Reading →

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